School Education Supply

Blood Monitor

Blood Monitor Manufacturers & Exporters, Blood Monitor Supply for Tenders from India

Blood Monitor

Product Code : BBE003

Description: Provides efficient mixing of blood with anticoagulant in blood bag with 10-12 Cycles/min. Fully automatic microprocessor based machine and light in weight. Automatic termination of blood collection, when blood volume collected reaches to preset volume. Automatically checks on blood flow and blood collection with audio/visual alarm for high.and low blood flow. LCD display shows following parameters at a time: 1. Set volume of blood. 2. Shows volume of blood in a bag during collection. 3. Shows blood flow i.e. normal, high, low. 4. Shows time taken for the collection of set volume of blood. Clamp gets operated automatically or manually to stop the blood flow collection when the set volume of blood is collected. PAUSE function is provided to temporary stop the flow of blood collection, but at the same time agitation will continue.

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