School Education Supply

Tours of the Night Sky (LSE)

Tours of the Night Sky (LSE)

Tours of the Night Sky (LSE) Manufacturers & Exporters, Tours of the Night Sky (LSE) Supply for Tenders from India

Tours of the Night Sky (LSE)

Description: Tours of the Night Sky: A Guided Tour of the Stars and Constellations This package produced by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific includes two cassettes, two CDs and a booklet with transcript and graphics that treats you to an astronomer-guided tour of the evening sky in the northern hemisphere. Tours of the Night Sky will help stargazers of all ages find their way around the sky quickly and enjoyably. Each tour is a half hour (one for each season), featuring basic, easy-to-follow instructions and fascinating tales of the myths behind the constellation names. You’ll feel like an expert in no time! With the tour you will be able to: Find the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way (summer) Locate the Andromeda Galaxy, the most distant object you can see with the unaided eye (fall) Find the sky’s brightest star, Sirius in the constellation Canis Major (winter) Use the Big Dipper to help you find Polaris, the North Star (spring)

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